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BDD For All

For the first half of my career in technology, requirements and testing were usually after thoughts. Relying mostly on super coders, product expertise and luck we’d get through most releases and new product launches and sometimes even looked good doing it.

Then came consulting

This approach worked pretty well until it was no longer just us and we were expected to do the same with others requirements and products. All of sudden, we were working with people whose minds we couldn’t read and whose slang we didn’t immediately understand.

At first, we mired through it and were relatively successful, but that became more painful as we started to scale and the cracks in the facade became large and noticeable.

The Ghost in the Machine

Now remember, this is years ago (way too many for me to even admit) and process acronyms were at a suprising shortage, but there was a method to our madness.

We always drove our early conversations with stakeholders around behavior.

This was the basis for our teams assumptions and if we were good up front collecting these, we could always meet (or beat) expectations, if not, we usually failed.

The problem was, these would inevitably be translated using different grammar for tech, test, and other specs and this is where things started to fall apart.

Enter Behavioral-Driven Development (BDD)

I remember reading about BDD back in the day, and like everything else (microservices, cloud, etc…) I was like we do that, just without the fancy name. In the case of BDD, something that combines leading practices from test-driven development (TDD) and domain-driven design (DDD), I was actually wrong.

The trick to BDD, I would come to find years later, wasn't the discussions, but the grammar.

The aha Moment

I was taking this class about dealing with people from some wicked smart people from Harvard (bet you can hear the Boston accent). In it, we discussed the ladder of inference and it’s impact on our work relationships.

But as always, I was focused on our current project and as we were performing the breakouts and listening to the instructor, it dawned on me, that maybe the problem we were having in these latest client breakout sessions was that they were all working from their own rung of the ladder (or perception).

A few days later, back from the class and in another client working session, I asked everyone to draw (in boxes) what a particular problem page looked like to them.

Not suprisingly, out of 7 folks, there were 4 completely different renderings of the page components.

Shared Grammar

That was when it all came together for me. For the next few days we focused on ways to describe things, what we called back then our “literal language”. This was how we would come to describe behaviors, events, and more.

I'd like to say, things were great after that, but even with this shared grammar we still had to write code, tests, and more. There was still room for interpetation, especially when scaling to the larger team.

Technology Catches Up

Over the years, we started to incorporate Cucumber and other tools as we got better. Regardless of the type of work we were usually able to agree on a shared grammar and focus in on automation.

Now, fast forward to 2019 and years of API “transformation” at different organizations. We’ve blueprinted everything, DDD, microservices, adapters, platform and more, but I always felt like we were missing something when it came to BDD at organizations.

So we stepped back and realized we were re-creating the mythical wheel when it came to API’s. Yes it was important to have a shared grammar, but did we need to recreate each time? Was defining a new “speak” for API’s which were pretty much the same org to org the right thing to do?


We had cucumber, we had tools like rest assured we usually put it together with. So why not standardize this.

Welcome BDD For All

BDD For All is a JAVA (more languages to come soon) library that provides a simple grammar to support API development and testing. It’s also a test harness, using Cucumber, so you’re team can practice TDD, automate their deployments and feel comfortable delivering API’s day to day.

Some more features…

  • Simplifies and streamlines your Test Driven Development (TDD) flows.
  • Simple integration with build tools (Maven, Gradle, & SBT) as well as your DevOps pipelines (Jenkins, Bamboo, CircleCI, etc…).
  • Test against any API’s regardless of language or platform.
  • Standard, well tested step definitions that are easy to read/write for the entire business.
  • Create complex flows with request chaining (e.g. search for and then edit record).
  • Data generation, supporting over 40 locales out of the box
  • Run within your project or as a command line program
  • Option to log all requests as cURLs to import into your favorite tools (postman, soapUI and more)
  • Supports complex Groovy GPath expressions for those cases that require additional complexity
  • Easy to use with any test framework (JUnit, TestNG, etc…) and works as a standalone library.
  • Tests count towards your code coverage, reducing the need for unit tests.
  • Simple intuitive reporting out of the box.
  • Expressions that allow you easily choose what tests to run (e.g. smoke, regression, etc…).

Check out the user guide to learn how to use and learn about BDD For All’s other exciting features.