
Mercury Composable is a software development toolkit for writing composable applications.

Composable application means that an application is assembled from modular software components or functions that are self-contained and pluggable. You can mix-n-match functions to form new applications. You can retire outdated functions without adverse side effect to a production system. Multiple versions of a function can exist, and you can decide how to route user requests to different versions of a function. Applications would be easier to design, develop, maintain, deploy, and scale.

Composable application architecture

Figure 1 - Composable application architecture

Composable Application Architecture

As shown in Figure 1, a composable application contains the following:

  1. Flow adapters: Each flow adapter listens to requests for onwards delivery to an event manager.
  2. Event Manager: it sends events to a set of user functions for them to work together as an application.
  3. User functions: these are self-contained functions with clear input and output that are immutable.

HTTP flow adapter

A non-blocking HTTP flow adapter is built-in. For other external interface types, you can implement your own flow adapters. e.g. Adapters for MQ, Kafka, Serverless, File based staging area, etc.

The standard HTTP flow adapter leverages the underlying REST automation system to serve user facing REST API endpoints. For example, a hypothetical "get profile" endpoint is created like this in the "rest.yaml" configuration file:

  - service: "http.flow.adapter"
    methods: ['GET']
    url: "/api/profile/{profile_id}"
    flow: 'get-profile'
    timeout: 10s
    cors: cors_1
    headers: header_1
    tracing: true

In this REST configuration entry, the system creates a REST API endpoint for "GET /api/profile/{profile_id}". When a request arrives at this endpoint, the HTTP request will be converted to an incoming event by the flow adapter that routes the event to the "event manager" to execute a new instance of the "get-profile" flow.

Flow configuration example

The event manager is driven by configuration instead of code. A hypothetical "get profile" flow is defined in a YAML file like this:

  id: 'get-profile'
  description: 'Get a user profile using profile ID'
  ttl: 10s
  exception: 'v1.hello.exception'

first.task: 'v1.get.profile'

  - input:
      - 'input.path_parameter.profile_id -> header.profile_id'
    process: 'v1.get.profile'
      - 'result -> model.profile'
    description: 'Retrieve user profile from database using profile_id'
    execution: sequential
      - 'v1.decrypt.fields'

  - input:
      - 'model.profile -> dataset'
      - 'text(telephone, address) -> protected_fields'
    process: 'v1.decrypt.fields'
      - 'text(application/json) -> output.header.content-type'
      - 'result -> output.body'
    description: 'Decrypt fields'
    execution: end

  - input:
      - 'error.code -> status'
      - 'error.message -> message'
      - 'error.stack -> stack'
    process: 'v1.hello.exception'
      - 'result.status -> output.status'
      - 'result -> output.body'
    description: 'Just a demo exception handler'
    execution: end

Note that the flow configuration is referring user functions by their "route" names. It is because all user functions are self-contained with clearly defined input and output and the event manager would set their inputs and collect their outputs accordingly. Note that you can map selected key-values or the whole event as a business object and this decoupling promotes highly reusable user functional software.

The event manager will create a "state machine" to manage each transaction flow because all user functions are stateless. The "state machine" is referenced using the namespace "model".

Assigning a route name to a user function

You can assign a route name to a Composite class using the preLoad annotation like this:

export class GetProfile implements Composable {

    @preload('v1.get.profile', 10)
    initialize(): Composable {
        return this;

    async handleEvent(evt: EventEnvelope) {
        // your business logic here
        return result;

Inside the "handleEvent" method, you can write regular TypeScript code using your preferred coding style and framework. You can define input/output as key-values (i.e. JSON objects).

Building the Mercury libraries from source

Assuming you clone the repository into the "sandbox" directory, you may build the libraries like this.

cd sandbox/mercury-nodejs
npm install
npm run build

The compiled libraries will be saved to the distribution folder (dist). For production, you may publish the distribution into your enterprise artifactory.

Composable application example

Let's take a test drive of a composable application example in the "examples" folder.

To build the sample app, you may do this:

cd sandbox/mercury-nodejs/examples
npm install
npm run build

You will see the build log like this:

INFO Scanning ./node_modules/mercury-composable/dist (scanPackage:preloader.js:20)
INFO Class NoOp (scanLibrary:preloader.js:78)
INFO Scanning ./src (main:preloader.js:200)
INFO Class DemoAuth (scanSource:preloader.js:102)
INFO Class DemoHealthCheck (scanSource:preloader.js:102)
INFO Class HelloWorldService (scanSource:preloader.js:102)
INFO Class CreateProfile (scanSource:preloader.js:102)
INFO Class DecryptFields (scanSource:preloader.js:102)
INFO Class DeleteProfile (scanSource:preloader.js:102)
INFO Class EncryptFields (scanSource:preloader.js:102)
INFO Class GetProfile (scanSource:preloader.js:102)
INFO Class HelloException (scanSource:preloader.js:102)
INFO Class SaveProfile (scanSource:preloader.js:102)
INFO Composable class loader (/preload/preload.ts) generated (generatePreLoader:preloader.js:176)

The build script will compile your TypeScript source files into Javascript and then run the "preloader.js" script to scan for your composable functions. Optionally, you can ask it to scan for composable libraries using the "web.component.scan" parameter. In the above example, it scan for the package "mercury-composable" in the "node_modules" folder and find the NoOp function.

The first step in designing a composable application is to draw an event flow diagram. This is similar to a data flow diagram where the arrows are labeled with the event objects. Note that event flow diagram is not a flow chart and thus decision box is not required. If a user function (also known as a "task") contains decision logic, you can draw two or more output from the task to connect to the next set of functions. For example, label the arrows as true, false or a number starting from 1.

The composable-example application is a hypothetical "profile management system" where you can create a profile, browse or delete it.

Figure 2 - Create a profile

Event Flow Diagram

Figure 2 illustrates an event flow to create a profile. Note that the "create profile" can send acknowledgement to the user first. It then encrypts and saves the profile into a data store.

Figure 3 - Retrieve a profile

Event Flow Diagram

Figure 3 demonstrates the case to retrieve a profile. It retrieves an encrypted profile and then passes it to the decryption decryption function to return "clear text" of the profile to the user.

Figure 4 - Delete a profile

Event Flow Diagram

Figure 4 shows the case to delete a profile. It deletes a profile using the given profile ID and sends an acknowledgement to the user.

The REST endpoints for the three use cases are shown in the "rest.yaml" configuration file under the "main/resources" in the example subproject.

Extract of some configuration parameters in "application.yml" is shown below: 'composable-example'
web.component.scan: 'mercury-composable'
server.port: 8086
rest.automation: true classpath:/rest.yaml
yaml.flow.automation: classpath:/flows.yaml

The flow configuration files are shown in the "src/resources/flows" folder where you will find the flow configuration files for the three event flows, namely get-profile.yml, delete-profile.yml and create-profile.yml.

Starting the application

To run the composable-example application, you can do this:

cd sandbox/mercury-nodejs/examples
npm install
npm run build
node dist/composable-example.js

You can skip the build step if you have already done that earlier.

When the application starts, you will see extract of the application log like this:

INFO Event system started - 15cda88cb4bf4f658357bb6007869296 (platform.js:503)
INFO PRIVATE distributed.tracing registered (platform.js:259)
INFO PRIVATE async.http.request registered with 200 instances (platform.js:262)
INFO PRIVATE no.op registered with 10 instances (platform.js:262)
INFO PRIVATE v1.api.auth registered (platform.js:259)
INFO PRIVATE registered (platform.js:259)
INFO PUBLIC registered with 10 instances (platform.js:262)
INFO PRIVATE v1.create.profile registered with 10 instances (platform.js:262)
INFO PRIVATE v1.decrypt.fields registered with 10 instances (platform.js:262)
INFO PRIVATE v1.delete.profile registered with 10 instances (platform.js:262)
INFO PRIVATE v1.encrypt.fields registered with 10 instances (platform.js:262)
INFO PRIVATE v1.get.profile registered with 10 instances (platform.js:262)
INFO PRIVATE v1.hello.exception registered with 10 instances (platform.js:262)
INFO PRIVATE registered with 10 instances (platform.js:262)
INFO Loading event scripts from classpath:/flows.yaml (CompileFlows.start:compile-flows.js:72)
INFO Parsing create-profile.yml (CompileFlows.createFlow:compile-flows.js:108)
INFO Parsing delete-profile.yml (CompileFlows.createFlow:compile-flows.js:108)
INFO Parsing get-profile.yml (CompileFlows.createFlow:compile-flows.js:108)
INFO Loaded create-profile (CompileFlows.start:compile-flows.js:102)
INFO Loaded delete-profile (CompileFlows.start:compile-flows.js:102)
INFO Loaded get-profile (CompileFlows.start:compile-flows.js:102)
INFO Event scripts deployed: 3 (CompileFlows.start:compile-flows.js:104)
INFO Loading EventScriptManager as event.script.manager (
INFO PRIVATE event.script.manager registered (platform.js:259)
INFO Loading TaskExecutor as task.executor (
INFO PRIVATE task.executor registered (platform.js:259)
INFO Loading HttpToFlow as http.flow.adapter (
INFO PRIVATE http.flow.adapter registered with 200 instances (platform.js:262)
INFO To stop application, press Control-C (EventSystem.runForever:platform.js:589)
INFO Composable application started (main:composable-example.js:27)
INFO REST automation service started on port 8086 (rest-automation.js:443)

It shows that the 3 flow configuration files are compiled as objects to optimize performance. The user functions are loaded into the event system and the REST endpoints are rendered from the "rest.yaml" file.

Testing the application

You can create a test user profile with this python code. Alternatively, you can also use PostMan or other means to do this.

>>> import requests, json
>>> d = { 'id': 100, 'name': 'Hello World', 'address': '100 World Blvd', 'telephone': '123-456-7890' }
>>> h = { 'content-type': 'application/json', 'accept': 'application/json' }
>>> r ='', data=json.dumps(d), headers=h)
>>> print(r.status_code)
>>> print(r.text)
  "profile": {
    "address": "***",
    "name": "Hello World",
    "telephone": "***",
    "id": 100
  "type": "CREATE",
  "secure": [

To verify that the user profile has been created, you can point your browser to

Your browser will return the following:

  "address": "100 World Blvd",
  "name": "Hello World",
  "telephone": "123-456-7890",
  "id": 100

You have successfully tested the two REST endpoints. Tracing information in the application log may look like this:

DistributedTrace:76 - trace={path=POST /api/profile, service=http.flow.adapter, success=true, 
                            origin=202406249aea0a481d46401d8379c8896a6698a2, start=2024-06-24T22:41:23.524Z, 
                            exec_time=0.284, from=http.request, id=f6a6ae62340e43afb0a6f30445166e08}
DistributedTrace:76 - trace={path=POST /api/profile, service=event.script.manager, success=true,
                            origin=202406249aea0a481d46401d8379c8896a6698a2, start=2024-06-24T22:41:23.525Z,
                            exec_time=0.57, from=http.flow.adapter, id=f6a6ae62340e43afb0a6f30445166e08}
DistributedTrace:76 - trace={path=POST /api/profile, service=v1.create.profile, success=true,
                            origin=202406249aea0a481d46401d8379c8896a6698a2, start=2024-06-24T22:41:23.526Z,
                            exec_time=0.342, from=task.executor, id=f6a6ae62340e43afb0a6f30445166e08}
DistributedTrace:76 - trace={path=POST /api/profile, service=async.http.response, success=true,
                            origin=202406249aea0a481d46401d8379c8896a6698a2, start=2024-06-24T22:41:23.528Z,
                            exec_time=0.294, from=task.executor, id=f6a6ae62340e43afb0a6f30445166e08}
DistributedTrace:76 - trace={path=POST /api/profile, service=v1.encrypt.fields, success=true,
                            origin=202406249aea0a481d46401d8379c8896a6698a2, start=2024-06-24T22:41:23.528Z,
                            exec_time=3.64, from=task.executor, id=f6a6ae62340e43afb0a6f30445166e08}
SaveProfile:52 - Profile 100 saved
TaskExecutor:186 - TaskExecutor:262 - {
  "execution": "Run 3 tasks in 11 ms",
  "id": "a0eef12d94bd4ab3b5fd6c25e2461130",
  "flow": "get-profile",
  "tasks": [
  "status": "completed"
DistributedTrace:76 - trace={path=POST /api/profile,, success=true,
                            origin=202406249aea0a481d46401d8379c8896a6698a2, start=2024-06-24T22:41:23.533Z,
                            exec_time=2.006, from=task.executor, id=f6a6ae62340e43afb0a6f30445166e08}
DistributedTrace:76 - trace={path=GET /api/profile/100, service=http.flow.adapter, success=true, 
                            origin=202406249aea0a481d46401d8379c8896a6698a2, start=2024-06-24T22:41:52.089Z,
                            exec_time=0.152, from=http.request, id=1a29105044e94cc3ac68aee002f6f429}
DistributedTrace:76 - trace={path=GET /api/profile/100, service=event.script.manager, success=true,
                            origin=202406249aea0a481d46401d8379c8896a6698a2, start=2024-06-24T22:41:52.090Z,
                            exec_time=0.291, from=http.flow.adapter, id=1a29105044e94cc3ac68aee002f6f429}
DistributedTrace:76 - trace={path=GET /api/profile/100, service=v1.get.profile, success=true,
                            origin=202406249aea0a481d46401d8379c8896a6698a2, start=2024-06-24T22:41:52.091Z,
                            exec_time=1.137, from=task.executor, id=1a29105044e94cc3ac68aee002f6f429}
DistributedTrace:76 - trace={path=GET /api/profile/100, service=v1.decrypt.fields, success=true, 
                            origin=202406249aea0a481d46401d8379c8896a6698a2, start=2024-06-24T22:41:52.093Z,
                            exec_time=1.22, from=task.executor, id=1a29105044e94cc3ac68aee002f6f429}
TaskExecutor:262 - {
  "execution": "Run 2 tasks in 7 ms",
  "id": "a0eef12d94bd4ab3b5fd6c25e2461130",
  "flow": "get-profile",
  "tasks": [
  "status": "completed"
DistributedTrace:76 - trace={path=GET /api/profile/100, service=async.http.response, success=true, 
                            origin=202406249aea0a481d46401d8379c8896a6698a2, start=2024-06-24T22:41:52.095Z, 
                            exec_time=0.214, from=task.executor, id=1a29105044e94cc3ac68aee002f6f429}

Main module

Every application has an entry point. The MainApp in the example app contains the entry point like this:

async function main() {
    // Load composable functions into memory and initialize configuration management
    // keep the server running
    const platform = Platform.getInstance();
    platform.runForever();'Composable application started');
// run the application

The "ComposableLoader.initializer()" command will load the composable functions into the event loop. The "platform.runForever()" command will run the application as a service.

Since your application is event driven, the main application does not need any additional code in the above example. However, this is a good place to put application initialization code if any.

Commad line application

If you want to run your application as a command line application instead of a service, your application can close itself like this:

await platform.getReady();
// execute your business logic and then run the "platform.stop()" command to exit
await platform.stop();

Dependency management

As a best practice, your user functions should not have any dependencies with other user functions.

The second principle of composable design is "zero to one dependency". If your composable function must use an external system, platform or database, you can encapsulate the dependency in a composable function.

Component scan

Please update the following in the application.yml to include packages of your own functions:


You should replace "your-package-name" with the real package name(s) that you use in your application. "web.component.scan" is a comma separated list of package names.

Deploy your application

Composable design can be used to create microservices. You can put related functions in a bounded context with database persistence.

Each composable application can be compiled and built into a single "executable" for deployment using npm run build.

The executable Javascript application bundle is in the dist folder.

Composable application is by definition cloud native. It is designed to be deployable using Kubernetes or serverless.

Event choreography by configuration

The best practice for composable design is event choreography by configuration (Event Script) discussed above. We will examine the Event Script syntax in Chapter 4.

Generally, you only need to use a very minimal set of mercury core APIs in your user function. e.g. use PostOffice to obtain a trackable event emitter and AsyncHttpRequest to connect to external system.

For composable applications that use Event Script, Mercury core APIs (Platform, PostOffice and FastRPC) are only required for writing unit tests, "custom flow adapters", "legacy functional wrappers" or "external gateways".

Orchestration by code

Orchestration by code is strongly discouraged because it would result in tightly coupled code.

For example, just an "Import" statement of another function would create tight coupling of two pieces of code, even when using reactive or event-driven programming styles.

However, if there is a use case that you prefer to write orchestration logic by code, you may use the Mercury core APIs to do event-driven programming. API overview will be covered in Chapter 7.

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