Event orchestration
In traditional programming, we can write modular software components and wire them together as a single application. There are many ways to do that. You can rely on a "dependency injection" framework. In many cases, you would need to write orchestration logic to coordinate how the various components talk to each other to process a transaction.
In a composable application, you write modular functions using the first principle of "input-process-output".
Functions communicate with each other using events and each function has a "handleEvent" method to process "input" and return result as "output". Writing software component in the first principle makes Test Driven Development (TDD) straight forward. You can write mock function and unit tests before you put in actual business logic.
Mocking an event-driven function in a composable application is as simple as overriding the function's route name with a mock function.
Register a function with the in-memory event system
There are two ways to register a function:
- Declarative approach
- Programmatic approach
In declarative approach, you use the preLoad
annotation to register a class with an event handler like this:
export class HelloWorldService implements Composable {
@preload('hello.world', 10)
initialize(): HelloWorldService {
return this;
async handleEvent(evt: EventEnvelope) {
// your business logic here
return someResult;
You can define route name, instances, isPublic and isInterceptor in the preload
annotation. The default values are
instances=1, isPublic=false and isInterceptor=false. In the example, the number of instances is set to 10.
You can set the number of instances from 1 to 500.
Once a function is created using the declarative method, you can override it with a mock function by using the programmatic approach in a unit test.
In programmatic approach, you can register a composable class like this:
const platform = Platform.getInstance();
platform.register('my.function', new HelloWorld(), 10);
In the above example, You obtain a singleton instance of the Platform API class and use it to register
the HelloWorld.ts class with a route name my.function
and up to 10 concurrent worker instances.
Note that the class must implement the Composable
interface and you must not use the preload
in the initialize() method if you want to register the function programmatically.
In both declarative and programmatic approaches, the initialize method may contain additional setup code for your function.
Private vs public functions
A private function is visible by other functions in the same application memory space.
A public function is accessible by other function from another application instance using the "Event over HTTP" method. We will discuss inter-container communication in Chapter-5.
Singleton function
The number of concurrent workers for a function is defined in the "instances" parameter.
When you set "instances" to one, the function will be declared as a singleton.
When you declare a function as an interceptor, the system will ignore return value from the function.
Usually, the interceptor function can use the PostOffice's send API to forward the incoming event to the downstream function(s). In some use cases, you may use the interceptor to conditionally return value by sending the result set to the "reply to" address.
Post Office API
To send an asynchronous event or an event RPC call from one function to another, you can use the PostOffice
For example,
async handleEvent(evt: EventEnvelope) {
const po = new PostOffice(evt.headers());
const req = new EventEnvelope().setTo(HELLO_WORLD_SERVICE).setBody(TEST_MESSAGE);
const result = await po.request(req, 3000);
Note that the input to the PostOffice is the incoming event's headers. The PostOffice API detects if tracing is enabled in the incoming request. If yes, it will propagate tracing information to "downstream" functions.
Event patterns
“Request-response”, best for interactivity
- Asynchronous
e.g. Drop-n-forget
- Callback
e.g. Progressive rendering
- Pipeline
e.g. Work-flow application
- Streaming
e.g. File transfer
Request-response (RPC)
In enterprise application, RPC is the most common pattern in making call from one function to another.
The "calling" function makes a request and waits for the response from the "called" function. There are two code patterns for RPC.
async/await pattern
To wait for a response, you can use the "await" keyboard since your function has been declared as "async".
const result = await po.request(req, 3000);
Promise pattern
po.request(req, 3000)
.then(event => {
// handle the response
.catch(e => {
// handle exception
You can declare another function as a "callback". When you send a request to another function, you can set the "replyTo" address in the request event. When a response is received, your callback function will be invoked to handle the response event.
const request = new EventEnvelope().setTo('hello.world')
.setBody('test message').setReplyTo('my.callback');
In the above example, you have a callback function with route name "my.callback". You send the request event with a JSON object as payload to the "hello.world" function. When a response is received, the "my.callback" function will get the response as input.
Pipeline is a linked list of event calls. There are many ways to do pipeline. One way is to keep the pipeline plan in an event's header and pass the event across multiple functions where you can set the "replyTo" address from the pipeline plan. You should handle exception cases when a pipeline breaks in the middle of a transaction.
An example of the pipeline header key-value may look like this:
pipeline=service.1, service.2, service.3, service.4, service.5
In the above example, when the pipeline event is received by a function, the function can check its position in the pipeline by comparing its own route name with the pipeline plan.
In a function, you can retrieve its own route name like this:
const myRoute = evt.getHeader('my_route');
The "my_route" header is a metadata inserted by the system.
Suppose myRoute is "service.2", the function can send the response event to "service.3". When "service.3" receives the event, it can send its response event to the next one. i.e. "service.4".
When the event reaches the last service ("service.5"), the processing will complete.
If you set a function as singleton (i.e. one worker instance), it will receive event in an orderly fashion. This way you can "stream" events to the function, and it will process the events one by one.
Another means to do streaming is to create an "ObjectStreamIO" event stream like this:
const stream = new ObjectStreamIO(60);
const out = new ObjectStreamWriter(stream.getOutputStreamId());
const streamId = stream.getInputStreamId();
// pass the streamId to another function
In the code segment above, your function creates an object event stream and writes 2 messages into the stream It obtains the streamId of the event stream and sends it to another function. The other function can read the data blocks orderly.
You must declare "end of stream" by closing the output stream. If you do not close an output stream, it remains open and idle. If a function is trying to read an input stream using the stream ID and the next data block is not available, it will time out.
A stream will be automatically closed when the idle inactivity timer is reached. In the above example, ObjectStreamIO(60) means an idle inactivity timer of 60 seconds.
In another function, it may read the input stream like this:
const stream = new ObjectStreamReader(streamId, 5000);
while (someCondition) {
const b = await stream.read();
if (b instanceof Buffer) {
// process the data block
if (b == null) {
// this means EOF - the stream will be closed automatically
You can browse the "hello-world-service.ts" for the file upload and download statements to examine the streaming code patterns.
Mercury streams use the temporary folder at "/tmp/node/streams" folder to hold data blocks. The temporary data blocks are cleaned once they are read by a function.
In your functions, you can send/receive JSON object, bytes (Buffer
) and text (string
) with the object stream system.
For REST automation, it uses only Buffer and string.
Orchestration layer
Once you have implemented modular functions in a self-contained manner, the best practice is to write one or more functions to do "event orchestration".
Think of the orchestration function as a music conductor who guides the whole team to perform.
For event orchestration, your function can be the "conductor" that sends events to the individual functions so that they operate together as a single application. To simplify design, the best practice is to apply event orchestration for each transaction or use case. The event orchestration function also serves as a living documentation about how your application works. It makes your code more readable.
Event Script
For more sophisticated application design, you may use the Event Script engine in the Mercury-Composable project to do event choreography for your composable functions in your Node.js application.
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