Rig.EventFilter behaviour (Reactive Interaction Gateway v3.0.0-alpha.2) View Source

Check point between connection processes and event sources.

Event Subscriptions

The EventFilter is a central component to RIG's event subscription implementation. In order to understand their role, we first take a look at events and event types.

Events and event types

We're going to use the Cloud Events Spec wherever possible (see Rig.CloudEvent). For example, incoming events are expected to feature an "eventType" field.

An "official" example of such an event type is com.github.pull.create. We can infer the following properties:

  • Event types use reverse-dns notation, which means the type name contains parent-to-child relations defined by the dot character.
  • Event types are likely going to be unrelated to specific entities or (user) sessions. For example, for a repository "my-org/my-repo", we do not expect to see events like com.github.pull.create.my-org/my-repo; instead, the repository ID is likely to be found in the CloudEvent's data field (as there is no "subject"-like field mentioned in the spec).

Following those observations/assumptions, we assume to events that look similar to the following (based on Github's get a single pull request API):

  "cloudEventsVersion": "0.1",
  "eventType": "com.github.pull.create",
  "source": "/desktop-app",
  "eventID": "A234-1234-1234",
  "eventTime": "2018-04-05T17:31:00Z",
  "data": {
    "assignee": {
      "login": "octocat",
    "head": {
      "repo": {
        "full_name": "octocat/Hello-World",
    "base": {
      "repo": {
        "full_name": "octocat/Hello-World",


Because of this, RIG's internal subscriptions cannot rely on the event type only. RIG is built for routing events to users' devices or sessions, so it must also have a notion of those things built into the subscription mechanism.

The idea: introduce "extractors" that can extract information from an event, and allow subscriptions to match against that extracted information.

Let's take a look at an example:

  • Assume there is an event type com.github.pull.create;
  • Assume the user is interested in events that refer to the "octocat/Hello-World";
  • Assume the user only interested in new pull requests assigned to the "octocat" user;
  • We start RIG with an extractor configuration that uses JSON Pointer to find data:
      # "assignee" is the field name that can be referred to in the subscription request
      # (see subscription request example below).
      # Each field has a field index value that needs to remain the same unless all RIG
      # nodes are stopped and restarted. This can be compared to gRPC field numbers and
      # the same rule of thumb applies: always append fields and never reuse a field
      # index/number.
      stable_field_index: 0
      # JWT values take precedence over values given in a subscription request:
        # Describes where to find the value in the JWT:
        json_pointer: /username
        # Describes where to find the value in the event:
        json_pointer: /data/assignee/login

      stable_field_index: 1
      # This is extracted from subscription requests, rather than in the JWT. In the
      # request body the field is referred to by name, so a `json_pointer` is required
      # for the event only:
        json_pointer: /data/head/repo/full_name

      stable_field_index: 2
        json_pointer: /data/base/repo/full_name

The extractor configuration is picked up by the Filter Supervisor Rig.EventFilter.Sup, which applies event-type specific configuration to the respective Event Filter process (GenServer) Rig.EventFilter.Server.


Note: see Rig.Subscription.

The frontend sends a subscription that refers to those fields:

  "eventType": "com.github.pull.create",
  "oneOf": [
    { "head_repo": "octocat/Hello-World" },
    { "base_repo": "octocat/Hello-World" }

The frontend receives the event outlined above because one of the constraint defined under oneOf is fulfilled. Note that within each constraint object, all fields must match, so the constraints are defined in conjunctive normal form.

If a JSON Pointer expression returns more than one value, there is a match if, and only if, the target value is included in the JSON Pointer result list.

A subscription request may contain multiple subscriptions:

  "subscriptions": [
      "eventType": "com.github.pull.create",
      "oneOf": [
        { "head_repo": "octocat/Hello-World" },
        { "base_repo": "octocat/Hello-World" }

In this example, the subscription's constraints are fulfilled when either of the head_repo and base_repo fields match. If the subscription should only apply to cases where both fields match, it should look like this instead:

  "subscriptions": [
      "eventType": "com.github.pull.create",
      "oneOf": [
        { "head_repo": "octocat/Hello-World", "base_repo": "octocat/Hello-World" }


Note: see Rig.EventFilter.Server and Rig.EventFilter.MatchSpec.SubscriptionMatcher.

Matching relies on ETS match specs - subscriptions are kept in an ETS table, for each event type. The tables contain all key/value pairs as defined in the extractor for the event type; they contain the values as defined in the subscription. If a value is not set in a subscription, the missing value is set to nil. For example, the subscription above would be reflected in two records:

{connection_pid, {:assignee, "octocat"}, {:head_repo, "octocat/Hello-World"}, {:base_repo, nil}}
{connection_pid, {:assignee, "octocat"}, {:head_repo, nil}, {:base_repo, "octocat/Hello-World"}}

This structure allows for very efficient matching. There is also a dedicated table per event type, so ownership is easy and there are no concurrent requests per table. At the time of writing, the default limit on the number of ETS tables is 1400 per node, but this can be changed using ERL_MAX_ETS_TABLES. If that ever becomes impractical, putting all subscriptions in a single table should work just as well.

The processes consuming events from Kafka and Kinesis are not the right place for running any filtering or routing logic, as we need them to be as fast as possible. Instead, for each event type there is one process on each node, enabling the consumer processes to quickly hand-off events by looking at only the event type field. Those "filter" processes own their event-type specific ETS table. For any given event, they can use their ETS table to obtain the list of processes to send the events to.

                                                    Node A   |   Node B
                      +                                      |                            +
                      |                                      |                            |
                      | events                               |                            | events
                      |                                      |                            |
                      |                                      |                            |
            +---------v----------+                           |                  +---------v----------+
            |                    |                           |                  |                    |
            |   Kafka Consumer   |                           |                  |   Kafka Consumer   |
            |                    |                           |                  |                    |
            +---+-------------+--+                           |                  +---+-------------+--+
                |             |                              |                      |             |
                |             |                              |                      |             |
 foo.bar events |             | foo.baz events               |       foo.bar events |             | foo.baz events
                |             |                              |                      |             |
                |             |                              |                      |             |
+-----------------v---+     +---v-----------------+          |    +-----------------v---+     +---v-----------------+
|                     |     |                     |          |    |                     |     |                     |
|  Filter             |     |  Filter             |          |    |  Filter             |     |  Filter             |
|  eventType=foo.bar  |     |  eventType=foo.baz  |          |    |  eventType=foo.bar  |     |  eventType=foo.baz  |
|                     |     |                     |          |    |                     |     |                     |
+---------------------+     +----+-------------+--+          |    +---------------------+     +---+-------------+---+
                               |             |               |                                    |             |
                               |             |               |                                    |             |
                               |             |               |                                    |             |
                          foo.bar events that|       <----------------------------------------------------------+
                          satisfy the connections'           |                                    |
                          subscription constraints   <--------------------------------------------+
                               |             |               |
                               |             |               |       A connection subscribes to all filters (periodically),
                    +----------v---+     +---v----------+    |       using the filters' process group. For incoming events,
                    |              |     |              |    |       the filter processes check against all subscription
                    |  WebSocket   |     |     SSE      |    |       constraints and forward the events that match to the
                    |  connection  |     |  connection  |    |       respective connection processes (using the pids stored
                    |              |     |              |    |       in the filter's ETS table).
                    +--------------+     +--------------+    +

Processes, process groups and lifecycles:

  • Consumer processes (Kafka and Kinesis)
    • permanent
  • Filter processes
    • The consumer processes have to start filter processes on demand, on their respective node.
    • Filter process stop themselves after not receiving messages for some time.
    • Filter processes join process groups, such that for each event type there is one such group.
  • Connection processes
    • are tied to the connection itself
  • Subscription entries in the filters' ETS table..
    • are created and refreshed periodically by the connection process, which sends the request to all filter processes in the event-type group. The HTTP call that creates the subscription does not directly call a filter process, but instead informs the connection process itself of the new subscription, which in turn registers with the respective filter processes.
    • have a per record time-to-live, used to keep the data current. If a connection process dies, the subscription records will no longer be refreshed and get removed eventually.

Link to this section Summary

Link to this section Types


done_callback() :: (() -> nil)

Link to this section Functions


forward_event(Cloudevents.t()) :: :ok
Link to this function

refresh_subscriptions(subscriptions, prev_subscriptions, done_callback \\ nil)

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Link to this function


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reload_config_everywhere() :: :ok

Reloads the configuration on all nodes.

Link to this section Callbacks


forward_event(Cloudevents.t()) :: :ok
Link to this callback

refresh_subscriptions(list, list, done_callback)

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) :: :ok

Refresh an existing subscription.

Typically called periodically by socket processes for each of their subscriptions. Registers the subscription with all Filter Supervisors on all nodes, using a PG2 process group to find them.