RigInboundGateway.ApiProxy.Base (Reactive Interaction Gateway v3.0.0-alpha.2) View Source

HTTP wrapper for HTTPoison library. Possible to extend functions for outgoing/ingoing headers, body, etc. at this place. https://github.com/edgurgel/httpoison, Wrapping HTTPoison.Base section

Link to this section Summary


Returns module configuration.

Issues a DELETE request to the given url.

Issues a DELETE request to the given url, raising an exception in case of failure.

Issues a GET request to the given url.

Issues a GET request to the given url, raising an exception in case of failure.

Issues a HEAD request to the given url.

Issues a HEAD request to the given url, raising an exception in case of failure.

Issues an OPTIONS request to the given url.

Issues a OPTIONS request to the given url, raising an exception in case of failure.

Issues a PATCH request to the given url.

Issues a PATCH request to the given url, raising an exception in case of failure.

Issues a POST request to the given url.

Issues a POST request to the given url, raising an exception in case of failure.

Callback implementation for HTTPoison.Base.process_headers/1.

process_url(url) deprecated

Callback implementation for HTTPoison.Base.process_url/1.

Issues a PUT request to the given url.

Issues a PUT request to the given url, raising an exception in case of failure.

Issues an HTTP request using a Request struct.

Issues an HTTP request with the given method to the given url.

Issues an HTTP request with the given method to the given url, raising an exception in case of failure.

Starts HTTPoison and its dependencies.

Requests the next message to be streamed for a given HTTPoison.AsyncResponse.

Link to this section Types

Link to this section Functions


config() :: any()

Returns module configuration.

If application environment contains values in Keyword or Map struct, defaults from macro usage will be recursively merged with application configuration.

If one of the configuration parameters does not exist or can not be resolved, raises ArgumentError.

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delete(url, headers \\ [], options \\ [])

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Issues a DELETE request to the given url.

Returns {:ok, response} if the request is successful, {:error, reason} otherwise.

See request/5 for more detailed information.

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delete!(url, headers \\ [], options \\ [])

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Issues a DELETE request to the given url, raising an exception in case of failure.

If the request does not fail, the response is returned.

See request!/5 for more detailed information.

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get(url, headers \\ [], options \\ [])

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Issues a GET request to the given url.

Returns {:ok, response} if the request is successful, {:error, reason} otherwise.

See request/5 for more detailed information.

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get!(url, headers \\ [], options \\ [])

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Issues a GET request to the given url, raising an exception in case of failure.

If the request does not fail, the response is returned.

See request!/5 for more detailed information.

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head(url, headers \\ [], options \\ [])

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Issues a HEAD request to the given url.

Returns {:ok, response} if the request is successful, {:error, reason} otherwise.

See request/5 for more detailed information.

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head!(url, headers \\ [], options \\ [])

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Issues a HEAD request to the given url, raising an exception in case of failure.

If the request does not fail, the response is returned.

See request!/5 for more detailed information.

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options(url, headers \\ [], options \\ [])

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Issues an OPTIONS request to the given url.

Returns {:ok, response} if the request is successful, {:error, reason} otherwise.

See request/5 for more detailed information.

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options!(url, headers \\ [], options \\ [])

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Issues a OPTIONS request to the given url, raising an exception in case of failure.

If the request does not fail, the response is returned.

See request!/5 for more detailed information.

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patch(url, body, headers \\ [], options \\ [])

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Issues a PATCH request to the given url.

Returns {:ok, response} if the request is successful, {:error, reason} otherwise.

See request/5 for more detailed information.

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patch!(url, body, headers \\ [], options \\ [])

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Issues a PATCH request to the given url, raising an exception in case of failure.

If the request does not fail, the response is returned.

See request!/5 for more detailed information.

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post(url, body, headers \\ [], options \\ [])

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Issues a POST request to the given url.

Returns {:ok, response} if the request is successful, {:error, reason} otherwise.

See request/5 for more detailed information.

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post!(url, body, headers \\ [], options \\ [])

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Issues a POST request to the given url, raising an exception in case of failure.

If the request does not fail, the response is returned.

See request!/5 for more detailed information.

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This function is deprecated. Use process_response_headers/1 instead.


process_headers(list()) :: any()

Callback implementation for HTTPoison.Base.process_headers/1.

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process_request_body(body()) :: body()

Callback implementation for HTTPoison.Base.process_request_body/1.

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process_request_headers(headers()) :: headers()

Callback implementation for HTTPoison.Base.process_request_headers/1.

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process_request_options(options()) :: options()

Callback implementation for HTTPoison.Base.process_request_options/1.

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process_request_params(params()) :: params()

Callback implementation for HTTPoison.Base.process_request_params/1.

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process_request_url(url()) :: url()

Callback implementation for HTTPoison.Base.process_request_url/1.

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process_response(HTTPoison.Base.response()) :: any()

Callback implementation for HTTPoison.Base.process_response/1.

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process_response_body(binary()) :: any()

Callback implementation for HTTPoison.Base.process_response_body/1.

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process_response_chunk(binary()) :: any()

Callback implementation for HTTPoison.Base.process_response_chunk/1.

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process_response_headers(list()) :: any()

Callback implementation for HTTPoison.Base.process_response_headers/1.

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process_response_status_code(integer()) :: any()

Callback implementation for HTTPoison.Base.process_response_status_code/1.

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This function is deprecated. Use process_response_status_code/1 instead.


process_status_code(integer()) :: any()

Callback implementation for HTTPoison.Base.process_status_code/1.

This function is deprecated. Use process_request_url/1 instead.


process_url(url()) :: url()

Callback implementation for HTTPoison.Base.process_url/1.

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put(url, body \\ "", headers \\ [], options \\ [])

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Issues a PUT request to the given url.

Returns {:ok, response} if the request is successful, {:error, reason} otherwise.

See request/5 for more detailed information.

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put!(url, body \\ "", headers \\ [], options \\ [])

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Issues a PUT request to the given url, raising an exception in case of failure.

If the request does not fail, the response is returned.

See request!/5 for more detailed information.


Issues an HTTP request using a Request struct.

This function returns {:ok, response} or {:ok, async_response} if the request is successful, {:error, reason} otherwise.


request = %HTTPoison.Request{
  method: :post,
  url: "https://my.website.com",
  body: "{\"foo\": 3}",
  headers: [{"Accept", "application/json"}]

Link to this function

request(method, url, body \\ "", headers \\ [], options \\ [])

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request(method(), binary(), any(), headers(), Keyword.t()) ::
  {:ok, HTTPoison.Response.t() | HTTPoison.AsyncResponse.t()}
  | {:error, HTTPoison.Error.t()}

Issues an HTTP request with the given method to the given url.

This function is usually used indirectly by get/3, post/4, put/4, etc


  • method - HTTP method as an atom (:get, :head, :post, :put, :delete, etc.)
  • url - target url as a binary string or char list
  • body - request body. See more below
  • headers - HTTP headers as an orddict (e.g., [{"Accept", "application/json"}])
  • options - Keyword list of options

Body: see type HTTPoison.Request

Options: see type HTTPoison.Request

This function returns {:ok, response} or {:ok, async_response} if the request is successful, {:error, reason} otherwise.


request(:post, "https://my.website.com", "{\"foo\": 3}", [{"Accept", "application/json"}])
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request!(method, url, body \\ "", headers \\ [], options \\ [])

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Issues an HTTP request with the given method to the given url, raising an exception in case of failure.

request!/5 works exactly like request/5 but it returns just the response in case of a successful request, raising an exception in case the request fails.

Starts HTTPoison and its dependencies.


stream_next(HTTPoison.AsyncResponse.t()) ::
  {:ok, HTTPoison.AsyncResponse.t()} | {:error, HTTPoison.Error.t()}

Requests the next message to be streamed for a given HTTPoison.AsyncResponse.

See request!/5 for more detailed information.