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FileType Enumeration

Framework to automate tests using Selenium WebDriver
Files type.

Namespace: Ocaramba.Helpers
Assembly: OcarambaLite (in OcarambaLite.dll) Version: 1.0.0+d8e789f8644d1a9b63485ad7914acf4f489f3ef9
public enum FileType
Request Example
Member nameValueDescription
None0 File type not implemented.
Pdf1 Portable document format files.
Xls2 Microsoft Excel worksheet sheet (97–2003).
Doc3 Microsoft Word document.
Csv4 Comma-separated values files.
Txt5 Text files.
Xlsx6 Office open XML worksheet sheet.
Docx7 Office Open XML document.
Gif8 Graphics Interchange Format.
Jpg9 Joint Photographic Experts Group.
Bmp10 Microsoft Windows Bitmap formatted image.
Png11 Portable Network Graphic.
Xml12 Open data file format.
Html13 Hyper text markup language.
Ppt14 Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation.
Pptx15 Office Open XML Presentation.
See Also