Click or drag to resize

Select Class

Framework to automate tests using Selenium WebDriver
Select contains implementation for method that can be used on dropdown.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: Ocaramba.WebElements
Assembly: OcarambaLite (in OcarambaLite.dll) Version: 1.0.0+d8e789f8644d1a9b63485ad7914acf4f489f3ef9
public class Select : WebElement
Request Example

The Select type exposes the following members.

Public methodSelect Initializes a new instance of the Select class.
Public propertyComputedAccessibleLabel Gets the computed accessible label of this element.
(Inherited from WebElement)
Public propertyComputedAccessibleRole Gets the computed ARIA role for this element.
(Inherited from WebElement)
Public propertyCoordinates Gets the coordinates identifying the location of this element using various frames of reference.
(Inherited from WebElement)
Public propertyDisplayed Gets a value indicating whether or not this element is displayed.
(Inherited from WebElement)
Public propertyEnabled Gets a value indicating whether or not this element is enabled.
(Inherited from WebElement)
Protected propertyId Gets the ID of the element
(Inherited from WebElement)
Public propertyLocation Gets a Point object containing the coordinates of the upper-left corner of this element relative to the upper-left corner of the page.
(Inherited from WebElement)
Public propertyLocationOnScreenOnceScrolledIntoView Gets the point where the element would be when scrolled into view.
(Inherited from WebElement)
Public propertySelected Gets a value indicating whether or not this element is selected.
(Inherited from WebElement)
Public propertySize Gets a Size object containing the height and width of this element.
(Inherited from WebElement)
Public propertyTagName Gets the tag name of this element.
(Inherited from WebElement)
Public propertyText Gets the innerText of this element, without any leading or trailing whitespace, and with other whitespace collapsed.
(Inherited from WebElement)
Public propertyWrappedDriver Gets the IWebDriver driving this element.
(Inherited from WebElement)
Public methodClear Clears the content of this element.
(Inherited from WebElement)
Public methodClick Clicks this element.
(Inherited from WebElement)
Public methodEquals Compares if two elements are equal
(Inherited from WebElement)
Protected methodExecute Executes a command on this element using the specified parameters.
(Inherited from WebElement)
Protected methodFinalizeAllows an object to try to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before it is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Inherited from Object)
Public methodFindElement(By) Finds the first IWebElement using the given method.
(Inherited from WebElement)
Public methodFindElement(String, String) Finds a child element matching the given mechanism and value.
(Inherited from WebElement)
Public methodFindElements(By) Finds all IWebElements within the current context using the given mechanism.
(Inherited from WebElement)
Public methodFindElements(String, String) Finds all child elements matching the given mechanism and value.
(Inherited from WebElement)
Public methodGetAttribute Gets the value of the specified attribute or property for this element.
(Inherited from WebElement)
Public methodGetCssValue Gets the value of a CSS property of this element.
(Inherited from WebElement)
Public methodGetDomAttribute Gets the value of a declared HTML attribute of this element.
(Inherited from WebElement)
Public methodGetDomProperty Gets the value of a JavaScript property of this element.
(Inherited from WebElement)
Public methodGetHashCode Method to get the hash code of the element
(Inherited from WebElement)
Public methodGetScreenshot Gets a Screenshot object representing the image of this element on the screen.
(Inherited from WebElement)
Public methodGetShadowRoot Gets the representation of an element's shadow root for accessing the shadow DOM of a web component.
(Inherited from WebElement)
Public methodGetTypeGets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object)
Public methodIsSelectOptionAvailable(String) Determines whether text is available in dropdown.
Public methodIsSelectOptionAvailable(String, Double) Determines whether text is available in dropdown.
Protected methodMemberwiseCloneCreates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object)
Public methodSelectByIndex(Int32) Select value in dropdown using index.
Public methodSelectByIndex(Int32, Double) Select value in dropdown using index.
Public methodSelectByText(String) Select value in dropdown using text.
Public methodSelectByText(String, Double) Select value in dropdown using text.
Public methodSelectByValue(String) Select value in dropdown using value attribute.
Public methodSelectByValue(String, Double) Select value in dropdown using value attribute.
Public methodCode exampleSelectElement Selenium SelectElement class.
Public methodSendKeys Simulates typing text into the element.
(Inherited from WebElement)
Public methodSubmit Submits this element to the web server.
(Inherited from WebElement)
Public methodToString Returns a string that represents the current WebElement.
(Inherited from WebElement)
See Also