Contributing - Reporting Bugs

Bugs are tracked as GitHub issues, and should ideally be logged against their respective repository. If you aren’t sure where something lives, raise it against the main repository and someone can steer you in the correct direction.

When raising an issue please include the following information:

  • Use a clear and descriptive title
  • Describe how to reproduce the problem in as many details as possible
    • Can the problem be reliably reproduced?
  • Provide a specific example of the steps
  • Describe the behaviour you saw after following the steps and what you think is wrong with it
  • Explain the behaviour you expect to see
  • Include screenshots and logs where applicable
  • Include information regarding the environment you are working in
    • What is the commit ID for adop-docker-compose that you are using?
    • What is the name and version of the OS you are using?