This section describes how to add a Pluggable SCM to your current cartridge. It is done by using a custom groovy package pluggable.scm.* to implement a chosen SCM provider based on Java reflection with the help of SCMProvider class.

How to add pluggable to your project

Pluggable SCM allows to use below SCM providers but it can be extended

  • Gerrit
  • BitBucket

Using it requires an additional package and class

 import pluggable.scm.*;
 SCMProvider scmProvider = SCMProviderHandler.getScmProvider("${SCM_PROVIDER_ID}", binding.variables)

Add those at the very beginning of your ../jenkins/jobs/dsl/your-file-name.groovy file

As your chosen SCM will be used, no more gerrit project is needed, so this can be removed

 def referenceAppGitUrl = "ssh://jenkins@gerrit:29418/${PROJECT_NAME}/" + referenceAppgitRepo

Once you have done the above, you need to edit the job

Using pluggable in Jenkins jobs declarations

To be able to use Pluggable SCM, it is needed to replace

 scm {
     git {
         remote {


 scm scmProvider.get(projectFolderName, referenceAppGitRepo, "master", "adop-jenkins-master", null)

where :

  • projectFolderName - name of your project
  • referenceAppGitRepo - name of the repository you want to clone i.e. spring-petclinic
  • master - branch to be used
  • adop-jenkins-master - the id of the Jenkins credentials to be used in the job in order to clone from SCM
  • null - extras to be used, for example {extensions{cleanAfterCheckout()}}. More extensions can be found here - Jenkins job DSL - extensions

scmProvider.get() basically behaves similarly to default scm function (the same you are replacing) but instead of using referenceAppGitUrl, it constructs the URL automatically from provided:

  • SCM host
  • SCM protocol
  • SCM clone user (in case SSH protocol is used)
  • SCM port
  • project name
  • repository name

Also extensions can be included.

To be able to perform triggering - automatically pull changes from repo as soon as they have been pushed - it is needed to replace

 triggers {		  
     gerrit {		
         events {		
         project(projectFolderName + '/' + referenceAppGitUrl, 'plain:master')		
         configure { node ->		
             node / serverName("ADOP Gerrit")		


 triggers scmProvider.trigger(projectFolderName, referenceAppGitRepo, "master")

where :

  • projectFolderName - name of your project
  • referenceAppGitRepo - name of the repository you want to clone i.e. spring-petclinic
  • master - the branch to be used.

scmProvider.trigger() acts as the default scm function which you are replacing.

Note: Those changes require the Load_Cartridge job to be updated, more details can be found here.

Using pluggable SCM with multi-branch pipelines

Pluggable SCM can also be used for multi-branch pipelines in a similar way by replacing

branchSources {
        git {


branchSources scmProvider.getMultibranch(projectFolderName, referenceAppGitRepo, "adop-jenkins-master", null)

where :

  • projectFolderName - name of your project
  • referenceAppGitRepo - name of the repository you want to clone i.e. spring-petclinic
  • adop-jenkins-master - the id of the Jenkins credentials to be used in the job in order to clone from SCM
  • null - extras to be used, for example {ignoreOnPushNotifications()}. More extensions can be found for specific SCM providers here - Jenkins job DSL - plugin


import pluggable.scm.*;
SCMProvider scmProvider = SCMProviderHandler.getScmProvider("${SCM_PROVIDER_ID}", binding.variables)

def projectFolderName = "${PROJECT_NAME}"
def buildAppJob = freeStyleJob(projectFolderName + "/<JOB_NAME>")
def multibranchPipelineJob = multibranchPipelineJob(projectFolderName + "<MULTI_BRANBCH_JOB_NAME>")

def referenceAppgitRepo = "spring-petclinic"

buildAppJob.with {
    description("This job builds Java Spring reference application")
    wrappers {
    scm scmProvider.get(projectFolderName, referenceAppGitRepo, "master", "adop-jenkins-master", null)
    triggers scmProvider.trigger(projectFolderName, referenceAppGitRepo, "master")


   branchSources scmProvider.getMultibranch(projectFolderName, referenceAppGitRepo, "adop-jenkins-master", null)

   triggers {
    orphanedItemStrategy {
        discardOldItems {

More details here: