Running tests against the Selenium Grid

This section describes how to run tests against Selenium.

The method described in this recipe runs Selenium tests as part of the Maven build lifecycle.


First of all you need a source repository where you have a Maven pom file and all your Selenium tests stored. It should be a basic java project. As an example see the adop-cartridge-java-regression-tests repository.

The link to the repository should be put in the urls.txt file in the /src/ folder of your cartridge.

We assume that the reader knows how to write Selenium tests and pom files. Thus, we won’t cover this topic in this particular recipe. You can take this Selenium test and a pom.xml file as an example.

The following snippet should go inside the job definition.

steps {
      environmentVariables {
      maven {
          mavenInstallation("ADOP Maven")

The idea is to get the necessary environment variables and pass them as the properties of the Maven goal.

All Selenium webdriver actions are being bypassed through a ZAP interception proxy.

ZAP proxy is being launched as a separate docker container.

Thus, we need to specify several parameters:

  • DPETCLINIC_URL - The app url we are intending to test
  • DZAP_IP - IP address of ZAP container
  • DZAP_PORT - The port ZAP is listening for
  • DZAP_ENABLED - Defines whether ZAP should be enabled or not

The parameters are being used by the selenium test.

For more understanding see the source code:

More details here: