Creating a pipeline view

This section describes how to to build a pipeline.


At first you need to define a variable, which will represent your pipeline.

def pipelineView = buildPipelineView(projectFolderName + "/Java_Reference_Application")

Once you’ve defined a pipeline, you can start setting properties for it.

pipelineView.with {
   title('Reference Application Pipeline')
   selectedJob(projectFolderName + "/Reference_Application_Build")


  • title(String title)

    Sets a title for the pipeline.

  • displayedBuild(int displayedBuilds)

    Sets number of displayed builds.

  • selectedJob(String selectedJob)

    Defines the first job in the pipeline.

  • showPipelineParameters()

    Use this method if you want to display the parameters used to run the first job in each pipeline’s revision box.

  • showPipelineDefinitionHeader()

    Use this method if you want to show the pipeline definition header in the pipeline view.

  • refreshFrequency(int refreshFrequency)

    Frequency at which the Build Pipeline Plugin updates the build cards in seconds.

Please notice that each job in pipeline, except the last one, requires a post-build action, which triggers the next job in the line.

More details here: