SCM - Pipelines

Using pluggable SCM with Jenkins pipelines

In order to consume the library in your Jenkins pipeline, ensure you have first followed these instructions to install the library in your Jenkins instance.

At the top of your pipeline script/Jenkinsfile, you can then import the library as such:

@Library('adop-pluggable-scm-jenkinsfile') _

Instead of annotating with import statements, the symbol _ is annotated, according to the annotation pattern.

To consume the scm object, insert the following method call in your Pipeline script:

checkout scmGet(scmUrl, projectName, repoName, credentialsId, branch, additionalMapExtensions, scmClass)


  • scmUrl is the base URL of the SCM provider you want to use with a trailing slash e.g.
  • projectName is the name of the project/namespace in your SCM provider
  • repoName is the name of the repository to checkout
  • credentialsId is the id of the credential in the Jenkins credential manager to use
  • branch is the name of the branch to checkout on ref updates, defaults to master
  • additionalMapExtensions is an additional arrayList of scm extensions which will be appended to the returned scm object, defaults to empty
  • scmClass is the name of the parent SCM class to implement, defaults to Git