Operating - Platform

By default, once you setup your ADOP stack this job is trigerred automatically, however if there is a need to run it manually, in order to create ADOP Platform follow below steps:

  1. Navigate to your Jenkins home page.
  2. Click on “Load_Platform” job.
  3. Click on “Build with Parameters:
    • GIT_URL: https://github.com/Accenture/adop-platform-management.git
    • GENERATE_EXAMPLE_WORKSPACE: Tick if you want an example workspace to be generated together with ADOP Platform
  4. It will take aproximately one minute for the platform to be loaded.

“Load_Platform” job creates two new folders “Platform_Management” and “Workspace_Management”, as shown below, folders should be visible in Jenkins: Image showing new folders which are created by building Load_Platform job.