Reference - CLI - project

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./adop project [<options>] <subcommand>

Used for creating a project space within a workspace in ADOP Jenkins instance.


-p <PROJECT_NAME> Sets the name of the project space, where <PROJECT_NAME> is the name of the project space which you will be using (required).
-w <WORKSPACE_NAME> Specifies the name of the existing workspace, where <WORKSPACE_NAME> is the name of the existing workspace in Jenkins instance (required).



create [<options>] Creates a new project in an existing workspace in Jenkins.
-a [<ADMIN_USERS>] Sets users with admin permissions on the project space, where <ADMIN_USERS> is a comma separated list of users (optional) (default: blank).
-d [<DEVELOPER_USERS>] Sets users with developer permissions on the project space, where <DEVELOPER_USERS> is a comma separated list of users (optional) (default: blank).
-v [<VIEWER_USERS>] Sets users with viewer (read-only) permissions on the project space, where <VIEWER_USERS> is a comma separated list of users (optional) (default: blank).


load [<options>] Loads a catridge into the specified workspace/project.
-u [<CARTRIDGE_CLONE_URL>] Sets the URL of the cartridge to be loaded, where <CARTRIDGE_CLONE_URL> is the URL of the cartridge (required) (Note: has to be a valid URL from the list of cartridges available in Jenkins).
-f [<CARTRIDGE_FOLDER>] Sets the name of the folder where the cartridge will be loaded, where <CARTRIDGE_FOLDER> is the name of the folder (optional) (by default: loads cartridge into workspace/project).
-n [<FOLDER_DISPLAY_NAME>] Sets the folder name which will be visible in Jenkins UI, where <FOLDER_DISPLAY_NAME> is the display name (optional) (default: blank).
-d [<FOLDER_DESCRIPTION>] Sets the description of the folder into which cartridge will be loaded, where <FOLDER_DESCRIPTION> is the description of the folder (optional) (default: blank).
-r [<ENABLE_CODE_REVIEW>] Controls whether to enable code review or not for the repositories loaded by the cartridge, where <ENABLE_CODE_REVIEW> is true or false depending on the requirement (optional) (default: false).


load_collection [<options>] Loads a catridge into the specified workspace/project.
-c [<CARTRIDGE_COLLECTION_URL>] Sets the URL to JSON file defining your cartridge collection, where <CARTRIDGE_COLLECTION_URL> is the URL to the Jenkins file (required).

Examples [WIP]

  • ./adop project -p <PROJECT_NAME> -w <WORKSPACE_NAME> create - creates a project in an existing workspace in ADOP Jenkins instance.
  • ./adop project -p <PROJECT_NAME> -w <WORKSPACE_NAME> load -u ssh://jenkins@gerrit:29418/cartridges/adop-cartridge-java.git - loads Java reference catridge in ADOP Jenkins instance under existing workspace/project.